Monday, August 6, 2007

The Beginning

I want to start this blog so that I can be more consistent with recording the things God is teaching me from the Word. It is my hope that as I am encouraged and admonished, anyone else who reads this will be too.
I am currently reading through the gospel of Mark and the Psalms. This morning, I read from Psalm 112 and was struck by verse 7, "
He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD." The "he" in this verse refers back to the man introduced in verse one, "How blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in His commandments." Elsewhere in the passage, it describes him as "righteous."

I was thinking how often people speak of peace in Christ and a love for Him and His Word... until something bad/tragic happens. All of a sudden, people react as though the entirety of their previous faith was badly grounded. And perhaps it was... if it was grounded in the idea of everything going well for them. But the point is, we are to be grounded in the fear of the LORD, abiding in Him and obeying His commands. If our grounding is in Christ and not our expectation of what Christ will do to make our lives as we want them to be, we will be steadfast - even when we get bad news.

Lord - I want to be a woman who fears you always - not just when things are peaceful in my life, but even when bad news comes. I believe you are sovereign over everything and everyone. You know every bit of news that will ever come my way - and it will not come to me by accident. May my grounding be in YOU, and YOU alone... not in my expectations of what life ought to be like.
Thank you for your Word and the fellowship I can have with you because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. May He be glorified in my life today.


Sarah said...

This is the Word of God that totally contradicts the "prosperity gospel." Jesus Christ did not humble Himself to this earth just so you could drive a BMW and have a large, beautiful home and your children could wear only Abercrombie & Fitch clothing. He did it in obedience to His Father's will--to glorify God. Yes, He did it for His dear ones...His elect, but not so they would have nice things, but so that they would have eternal life. We have been called to suffer on this earth as Christ has suffered. There are so many New Testament scriptures that remind us of the suffering we will experience for Christ's sake, or to encourage us not to be disheartened because of our present sufferings. God is good. God is just. God is faithful. And even if...EVEN IF...we receive bad news, HE IS STILL GOD, and yet will we praise Him!

Persuaded By Christ said...

Amen, Sarah! =0)